Zion Nat. Park | Travel Photography

Another stop on our trip in the southwestern USA was Zion National Park, located in southern Utah. This was one of the parks that we knew the least about before we headed out on the trip and it probably ended up being our favorite park. The park was just huge and expansive, and to get to the visitors center from the east entrance was a 12 mile drive that snaked its way through the canyon. While we were there we got to hike the well known trail up to Angel's Landing that over looks the park which was one of the craziest trails we've ever been on. Due to the park's huge expanse there was a nice shuttle that took people up and down the park and it helped us realize why camping spots within the park are booked 4-6 months in advance. Fortunately we were able to find a camping place not far outside the park where we could stay during the evenings. There were also a couple tunnels inside the park that were carved the rock in the mountains, one of them extremely long and very tight when going two cars wide. They were so tight in fact that they had to let big vehicles go by on there on so they could straddle the middle line. To help keep things straight, they'd send the last car with a color stick that you'd hand to the ranger at the other side, quite an interesting system!This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.