Grand Canyon Nat. Park | Travel Photography

The last stop we made on our trip to the southwest was to the famous Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, a wonder we definitely couldn't leave the area without seeing. We got to spend a good two and half days in the park and camped both nights at Mather Campground, which was a nice campground (not quite as nice as Bryce, but heated bathrooms). Here though it wasn't terribly uncommon to see animals of all shapes and sizes just sauntering through the campgrounds like we weren't even there. It was so cool to see the elk and mule deer so close. Grand Canyon National park is huge as well, like Zion is, but less of it feels accessible by car as the roads follow the edge of the rim instead of snaking through it like Zion. The canyon however, is even more massive and while we didn't hike all the way through it we did get to explore it a good amount and see a lot of the sites along the rim and check out all the overlooks. While some parks are prettier at sunrise OR sunset, Grand Canyon does both, and while that means its easy to burn the candle at both ends taking pictures it's so much fun to see.This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.