Washington D.C.- Washington Monument

When we planned the things we would see on the trip to Washington D.C. one of the things that would first come to your mind would be the Washington Monument.  This is what happened to me too.  As I worked to get it in the plan for things to see, I remember the earthquake that damaged it back in 2011.  "I wonder how they're progressing on that restoration" I thought to myself...well they're still working on it.  Fortunately however they are nearing completion and the scaffolding that surrounds the monument to allow workers to fix it extends all the way to the very tip.  While this at fist bummed me out, I realized the beauty of this moment.  The scaffolding was extremely symmetrical that adds to what is usually a simple shape in the sky.  At night, this metal web reflects the lights that illuminate the marble and create a really cool pattern that would otherwise not be there.  While I definitely plan on waiting to return to D.C. after this work is completed, I'm very glad I got to see this monument in its imperfect state that in someways makes it more perfect.DSC_4735BWDSC_4764DSC_4864DSC_4900DSC_4952BWDSC_4996DSC_5003DSC_5200DSC_5205DSC_5225BWDSC_5422BWCreative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Washington D.C.- Lincoln Memorial


Washington D.C.- Thomas Jefferson Memorial