Washington D.C.- Thomas Jefferson Memorial

When I came to D.C. when I was a child, I never got the chance to see the Jefferson Memorial. This made me all the more eager to see it this time.  Fortunately I was able to see it TWICE, both in the evening and also in the early morning.  Getting to read the long quotes carved into the wall was very indicative of the wisdom of the founding father of the US.  It was cool to see the monument in conjunction with seeing the books of  Jefferson's library at the Library of Congress. When you read the quotes on the wall, you could tell that he was a man that had done a lot of reading and thinking.Another thing I liked about this Memorial was the ring of words around the top of the building (on the inside of the dome).  This ring was lit very well which allowed me to a bit creative when converting some of the images to black and white.  However, I feel this monument is meant for color, as it is definitely surrounded by the most nature on the edge of the Tidal Basin.DSC_4887DSC_4912DSC_4917DSC_4922BWDSC_4949DSC_5301BWDSC_5313DSC_5358BWDSC_5373DSC_5403Jeffereson HDR 2Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Washington D.C.- Washington Monument


Washington D.C.- World War II Memorial