Washington D.C.- US Capitol Building

One of the places we got to see on the trip was the US Capitol building, though we didn't go close..because that kind of thing just isn't allowed, it was still a very impressive building.   As you approached you could appreciate the size of the building.  I've been inside our state capitol building and though it is a very marvelous building, I'm sure the inside of this building pales in comparison.  The white marble of the building matching many of the other monuments in D.C. was very fitting and was very beautiful.  Of all the places we saw, this one may have been the least crowded which was a nice change.Unfortunately I was not able to see this building at night.  I am sure it is beautifully lit, hopefully next trip back I will make time to see it at dusk.  The day time however brought a fairly unique aspect to the building.  Since it was pretty much all white marble, it was very reflective during the day.  The white of the building and the plaza around it made the area very bright...another reason why those heavily armed guards were probably wearing sunglasses.  All my photographing came from one side of the building due to the inability to access other sides, though this frustrated me a bit at the time, it made me be creative with the side that I had both when I was shooting, but also in processing the images.  Hope you enjoy what I came up with!DSC_5114DSC_5122BWDSC_5124DSC_5127DSC_5137Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Washington D.C.- Library of Congress


Washington D.C.