Washington D.C.- Library of Congress

Another place where Hilarie and I stopped was the Library of Congress.  The stop was completely Hilarie's idea.  When we were planning the trip, I had completely forgotten about that building and I am so glad that she put it on the list of things that we wanted to see.  Of all the beautiful buildings I've been inside, I think this building takes the cake.  Never have I seen such an ornately crafted inside of a building.  The amazing foyer area was breath taking....and FULL of people.  I worked my shots as to capture the beauty of the building without getting the swarms of people in them.  Oh man, I would pay quadruple admission (quadruple of free is still free right? ;) ) to get to be in there without people.  The same could be said for the other monuments around sunset...but I digress.Most of the inside of this building was open to photographs though the reading room/rotunda was not as to maintain the privacy of the individuals studying.  That was pretty much the only bummer, as that room too was spectacular.  All the books around this giant center chamber was so remarkable.  One of the things we saw were books from Thomas Jefferson's library.  It is pretty crazy how long books can last if you take care of them, and just seeing these books was very astounding.  Nothing though was quite as cool as seeing the Bible exhibit where was saw a Bible that was completely handwritten by a monk, and then seeing a Bible printed on the Gutenberg Press.  Seeing God's word in these historic forms was quite breath-taking.  Unfortunately photos of these last two exhibits were not allowed.  Otherwise though, prepare yourself for the colorful ceiling!DSC_5022DSC_5039_40_41_42_43_tonemappedDSC_5051BWDSC_5085DSC_5087DSC_5094DSC_5134Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Washington D.C.- World War II Memorial


Washington D.C.- US Capitol Building