Washington D.C.

Two weeks after school got out for the summer, I got the opportunity to go to Washington D.C to help a friend move.  While I was there I had a couple of days to walk around the city and see some of the sights.  Come to find out there are so many different things to see in Washington D.C., one can't begin to see them all, so Hilarie and I hit the highlights.  I spent most of my time photographing the US Capitol, the Library of Congress, the Lincoln Memorial, the WWII Memorial, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, and the Washington Monument.  Each of those will have a post after this that is dedicated to just itself.  The photos in this post are ones that didn't fit into the other categories.As with most summer trip destinations, you always want more time.  The same goes for this trip.  It was great to see D.C. for the first time as an adult (I had went once when I was much younger), though it left me hungry for another trip back to the city to see even more of the things that it has to offer...like a Washington Monument not under construction.  All in all the trip was phenomenal, getting to ride the metro, hang out with friends, and see the nation's capital will be one of the top highlights of my summer.  So here are some of the miscellanous photos from the trip, the ones of the specific monuments are up next, so be ready.DSC_4754DSC_4872DSC_4879DSC_4950DSC_4974DSC_5038DSC_5433DSC_5468DSC_5480BWDSC_5481Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Washington D.C.- US Capitol Building


Visual Adventure