U of I in Infrared

As I've started my 4th year at the U of I, you could say I've been able to see campus.  Especially with my liking to explore campus on walks or bike rides, there isn't too much I haven't seen.  Though there is a way I haven't seen it....in infrared.  I decided to go out and take pictures of some of the more iconic parts of campus with my new D800 so I could have images at very high resolution.  When I came back and was editing I happened to try an infrared filter on one and it turned out amazing.  This led me to go back to other photos that I had already edited from the trip and try out to see if they also looked good with this infrared filter on.  Turns out a lot of them did look good.  While not all of them behaved well depending on the color in the image, many had great tones and added a different feel to the landscape that I look at everyday.Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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