Oh Hey Chicago

After going to the Jon & Taylor wedding in northern Indiana we were left with a dilemma.  It was late and we could make a pretty rough drive to head back to Champaign and wake up the next morning, or we could get a hotel in Chicago and just chill there for the night and wake up the next morning and make it the rest of the way home.  We definitely chose the second option and spend a late evening on the coast of Lake Michigan off of Lake Shore drive.  While we were there I spent most of the time snapping photos of the skyline.  Though I only took one successful panoramic sequence out of three attempts I learned some valuable lessons, and boy did that one turn out sweet!  When stitched together it totaled over 134 megapixels, thanks to the incredible resolution of my D800.  This incredible resolution is a blessing and a curse, my computer overflowed its 8GB of RAM and filled its scratch folder before completing the stitch.  Luckily I was able to allocate more space and go at it again successfully, but it was definitely a sign I was stretching the limits of my machine.The pano and a few other photos from the night are below including a cool portrait of the couple of guys I was with, playing their guitars.  Also I put the pano in more of a poster style and plan to frame it, it is also below.  All are shrunk down in resolution as to not eat up space on my blog, but they are still sizable enough to enjoy, which as always, hope you do!!Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


U of I in Infrared


Lights in the Sky