Top 25 of 2015 | Year-in-Review

It has been quite a year for us and we are excited to share with you some of our favorite photos that we've taken this past year. This year has taken us many places, we've had our feet on four continents, in 5 countries and have gotten to see some cool places right here in the United States that we've been wanting to see for a while. There is definitely a lot to be thankful for this year. The top photos that we chose for this post are a combination of both our favorites and your favorites based on the feedback we get. While it's hard to determine the exact popularity of a photo due to our sharing of them via multiple channels and not all of them evenly, sometimes certain ones are obvious hits. So hopefully you see some fun photos that bring back memories from this past year, and if not, let us know! We always enjoy knowing what photos you all enjoy.Looking forward to 2016 there are tons of things to be excited about: from way more weddings than we had this year, to exciting destinations we have lined up on the travel side we hope to keep the awesome photographs coming and keep improving our images year over year. Hope you all have had a great 2015, see you all in 2016 and enjoy our Top 25 pics!This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.