Phoenix | Travel Photography

This past week I got to travel to Phoenix and while I was there I was able to take some fun pictures during the evenings and early in the mornings before and after work that I had to do. While it was definitely nice to escape the Illinois winter, Phoenix wasn't quite as warm as I expected with lows in the upper 30's and highs in the 60's. However it was much better than Illinois so there can't be too much complaining. There were some cool places to take pictures from in Phoenix and I was able to complete the list of places all except for taking photos from South Mountain overlooking the city. Looks like we'll have to go back there again to photograph some more :) Apparently the monsoon rains had washed out the road that leads to the summit and the repair work has not been completed so the only way to get to the summit is by hiking the trail 2 miles to get to the top. While I have nothing against hiking and enjoy it a lot, I didn't have the shoes or the time to make the climb to the summit during the trip. However next time we go I will definitely make sure I come equipped for the hike and will budget the time for it accordingly. Hope you enjoy the photos!This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.