Tampa, FL | Travel Photography

Also this past week we had the opportunity to travel to Tampa, Florida while we were down in Clearwater. Tampa is only 20 or so minutes from the beach so it wasn't too much trouble to make a day trip and head a bit inland to take a look at a large city in Florida. Neither of us had been downtown in the city so it was fun to get to explore and see all that was down there. We made two separate trips one during the day, and the other at night to capture the city in both types of light. This turned out to be a great decision as each type of lighting had great advantages.While we are a bit spoiled by the architecture that is near by in Chicago, Tampa had a pretty decent amount of cool buildings and architecture as well. Like Chicago there is a water way running through the city which was awesome, and the University on its banks was really neat to see too.We were really excited with how these photos turned out, hopefully you enjoy them as much as we did.This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.