JJ + Cassie | Florida Wedding Photography

Last month we had the privilege of photographing a friend's wedding in Central Florida. While the rain was threatening all week leading up to the wedding weekend, and even in the forecast during the day of, it held off long enough for a beautiful ceremony and for most of reception. The wedding took place at a family member's house with a gorgeous backyard, a wrap around porch, and french doors opening up to the back yard. The outdoor ceremony led to a reception under the big tent which kept us all dry during a short rain burst. Afterward full festivities continued with dancing, food, and outdoor games that everyone enjoyed. It was so cool get to see Cassie and JJ's family's come together to celebrate the marriage of this great couple, many great stories were shared, and great times were had by all.It was great for us to get back into our next wedding season. Our last wedding was back in October of last year so it was great to get back in the groove, and boy are we going to stay in that groove. With close to 15 weddings on the books this year, things are going to be busy, but we can't wait. So keep checking back as we'll keep bringing the wedding and travel photos to a blog near you.This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.