Spring in Bloom: Part 1

Earlier in the spring this year I picked up a macro lens to use for detail shots during weddings and other jobs.  It also has been fun to play with for nature shots, especially during the flower blooming season.  One thing I learned as I spent time after work or on the weekend walking around taking pictures was how many different flowers there are within such a short distance of my apartment.  Even living in a fairly urban area, so many different colors and styles of flowers find a home.  This year due to a long winter and a quicker warming period the blooming happened pretty quick, which often led to me carrying my camera with me to work in the morning and leaving early in case I saw something on my way that could potentially be gone by the time I get home from work and get my camera.This project went on (and is still going on) over the past couple weeks, and the number of good photos I've managed to grab is so high, I'm splitting this project into two or three different posts to avoid making one giant post.  I'm also still finishing up the project as I have a few places I want to go to before I wrap it up.  So definitely come back and look for another post in the next few days to a week.  Overall I have been very impressed with the new lens in combination with my camera body.  Having a great macro lens (Nikon 105mm f/2.8 macro) and a body like the D800 with 36 megapixels, the detail that comes out in the shots amazes me, and allows me to crop generously if I don't feel like getting all friendly with the bee trying to get some food (something coming in Part 2).Hope you enjoy the photos!!DSC_2979DSC_2984DSC_3006DSC_3023DSC_3038DSC_3051DSC_3060DSC_3072DSC_3083DSC_3126DSC_3145DSC_3170DSC_3197DSC_3212DSC_3234DSC_3249DSC_3270DSC_3376DSC_3387DSC_3393DSC_3417DSC_3430DSC_3448DSC_3526DSC_4060DSC_4062DSC_4097DSC_4110DSC_4127 

Creative Commons License

This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


JP + Alina | Champaign, IL Proposal


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