Welcome Back Alma Mater!!

Last week Alma Mater made it back to campus after almost two years of being away for refurbishing.  The long awaited day had finally come and Alma rolled into town in style on the flat bed of an eighteen wheeler.  After a long time of arranging the harnesses to lift her off the truck, she finally took flight and was quickly (relatively) placed on her stone mount to overlook campus once again.  For the next several hours, crews finished securing her and sealing her to the base, but as soon as that scaffolding was removed I scurried over to take some pictures.  I also came back at night to photograph Alma like I had done in the past before she was taken away.  Due to the current lack of foliage on the trees and the new colored and more reflective surface of Alma, it made it very tricky to photograph her as she picked up a very yellow color in the photos from the lights around.  I plan to go back as the seasons progress and photograph Alma as the weather and nature changes around her, so be on the look out for more photos.  Below I've posted photos from the installation, and from day and night shots I took after the crews had finished the installation.DSC_2686DSC_2695DSC_2709DSC_2729DSC_2743DSC_2753DSC_2768DSC_2770DSC_2782DSC_2786DSC_2878DSC_2915DSC_2931DSC_2940 

Creative Commons License

This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Spring in Bloom: Part 1


Moose the Horse