JP + Alina | Champaign, IL Proposal

This past weekend I had the opportunity to participate in a well thought out, covert operation.  One of my best friends JP (who will be the best man at my wedding this fall), drew up an amazing sequence of events to propose to his girlfriend Alina.  After getting back from Chicago via Amtrak, he led her on a walk past the ART theater in downtown Champaign.  Using a long text message to distract her from potentially noticing a photographer lying prone next to a vehicle across the street and a videographer (Justin) poking a camera out a car window, he led her past the theater and had her turn back to read the sign.  The rest...well you can see in the pictures.  Though the train arriving a good bit late from Chicago did make for a challenge photographing as the sun had already sank well below the horizon, the drawn out wait had its upsides.  A small audience had gathered near our hiding place, made up mostly of the staff of the salon across from the theater who stayed late to watch. As soon as Alina said yes, screams from the crowd echoed through the block.  The night was a success.DSC_4694DSC_4708DSC_4720DSC_4748DSC_4762DSC_4766DSC_4772DSC_4791DSC_4813DSC_4816 

Creative Commons License

This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.



Spring in Bloom: Part 2


Spring in Bloom: Part 1