A Winter Blanket

Over the past couple weeks, we've had a couple of winter storms hit the Champaign-Urbana area.  One of the two storms was the same one that gave me the snow covered photos you saw in the previous post.  We really enjoy photographing campus following a winter storm as the snow covers the ground, hiding the mud and gunk that comes with the cold wet winter.  Also, the snow covers things with a graceful blanket of white, seemingly keeping them warm amidst the cold around.  While we didn't get much time to photograph campus in the snow due to the snow falling both while we were away and during the work week, we still got a fair number of shots both during the day and the night.  Campus also has added a new building that you'll see here in the beginning of the post.  This is the new ECE (Electrical and Computer Engineering) building.  It is the latest LEED certified building on campus that is completely self sustaining in terms of electricity.  Hope you enjoy a view of U of I's campus in the snow!JDM_0971JDM_0979JDM_0982JDM_0986JDM_0990JDM_0996JDM_1003JDM_1006JDM_1008JDM_1028JDM_1036JDM_1048JDM_1064_BWJDM_1068JDM_1072_BWJDM_1073_BWJDM_1078JDM_1082JDM_1085ND1_1087ND1_1090ND1_1114ND1_1147ND1_1160ND1_1167 Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


The Carl Woese IGB


St. Louis Snow