A Sneak Preview: A Look on the Inside

Over my last 2.5 years at the University of Illinois, I've taken photos of no less than fifty campus buildings.  Many of those have been posted to this blog or my website in some form.  A large majority of those, if not all have been taken from some point outside the buildings portraying their outer beauty as the sun sets, or rises, or when it is below the horizon entirely.  While there is much to admire about these buildings from that point of view, there is also another perspective that holds another, if not more important story.  The interiors of these buildings:  some just built, or others that were crafted long ago, depict something another tale entirely.  We have the opportunity to see these buildings from this view quite often as we sit/sleep through lectures or as we text during our journey up and down the halls.  Over the next semester, I'll be trying to photograph now the insides of these buildings.  Here are a few that I have taken on my first journey out to just two buildings, both of which I wouldn't mind visiting again when they aren't crammed with students preparing for their last final of the semester.  See if you can guess which two buildings I went to.Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


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