Best from the iPhone

Ever since I got the iPhone 4, I was excited to use it's camera.  Vastly better than it's predecessor, it allowed me to do some (albeit limited) cropping to photos that I take.  The autofocus and HDR was also a nice add on as well.  Over the past year I've taken close to 800 photos on the iPhone as there have been many times I was out on my way somewhere not at all related to photography (not having my D300) and I saw something that I needed to photograph.  Of those 800 most are simple snapshots taken either at a friends request or on a quick whim as I stop my bike.  There are some though that I've been able to take my time with and get some decent stuff.  I've been using it a bit more seriously recently to try and stretch my skills with equipment that is not designed for professional work.  Hopefully as these next few months go by and snow begins to fall, I'll get some more and hopefully have another post like this in the future.  Let me know what you think, and enjoy the photos!Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


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