Meet Me in St. Louis

To celebrate my parent's 25th wedding anniversary, our family headed down to St. Louis before Christmas to enjoy some time together before the hustle and bustle of Christmas weekend.  We ate a couple outstanding dinners together, one at Gian Tony's on The Hill and one at the Top of the Riverfront on top of the Millennium Hotel.  Our first night gave us a chance to walk around The Hill and view all the beauties of a historic town and the view from the Top of the Riverfront (which rotates around to give you a view of the entire city while you eat) was also breathtaking.  A couple trips down to the arch were also in order.  This was the first time I have been to St. Louis since I've gotten my 14-24mm lens.  The view through the new wider lens made it easier to capture the arch in all its beauty both during the day and at night.  Christmas was also on full display both downtown and on The Hill.  Miles of garland and lights covered everything imaginable.  Here are some shots from both The Hill and downtown St. Louis.Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


Top 25 of 2011


A Sneak Preview: A Look on the Inside