Northern Ireland | Travel Photography

While in Ireland we made sure we spent a good portion of our time also in Northern Ireland. Just as beautiful as the lower section of the island, it did not disappoint. This part of the trip was actually done in the beginning as we only spent a day in Dublin before we hit the road up toward Belfast and the northern coast of Northern Ireland to see all the beautiful coast line and small towns that dotted the countryside along the way. One of our favorite places was Giants Causeway that had some of the most interestingly shaped rock as well as great views of the coast with much room to hike. We also got to spend a very quality sunrise at Mussenden Temple which had an absolutely gorgeous piece of land and a real neat structure that stood boldly through its decay in the middle of the greenest field I've seen, near the coast. This was one of our favorite spots on the trip that we didn't plan to go to initially but ended up stopping at after discovering things about it while we were there.On our trip, while more time was spent in Ireland as opposed to the Northern country, we definitely had an amazing time and absolutely want to go back again to see more things!This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.