Ireland | Travel Photography

So we're finally getting around to posting photos of our travels to Ireland, we just wrapped up editing early last week, but due to more travel (and more photos forth coming) we didn't get a chance to get them posted here on the blog. If you haven't already check out our blog detailing our thoughts on the Nikon D850 while we used it in Ireland. While some of the photos on here you will recognize from reading that blog as well, we're going into more details here on each country (Ireland and Northern Ireland) so you can see more pictures. Additional ones will be added as well to the prints website as we go here so those are available to be seen at a larger view and also available for print if that is of interest to anyone.Overall we had a great time on the trip and got to interact with a lot of fun and nice people as we toured the island. It's nice that even though we were in a foreign country, a vast majority of everyone spoke English so it wasn't too hard to figure things out (aside from the whole driving on the wrong side of the road thing).This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.