Corey + Caitlin | Melvin, IL Wedding Photography

Back near the end of September we had the privilege to photograph Corey and Caitlin's wedding that took place at the Ford County fairgrounds in Melvin, Illinois. The couple had taken one of the main event barns and turned it into a very beautifully decorated wedding venue that house both the ceremony and reception in one large place. September proved to be the unpredictable month that it is with very warm temperatures throughout the day. Many large fans were used and the openness of the barn helped keep air moving until the sun went down and things began to cool off. We've gotten to witness a lot of awesome moments at the weddings we photograph, but this was the first time we've experienced spouse getting the other a car on their wedding day! During the first look Corey handed Caitlin the keys to a Jeep that he'd bought for her as a wedding gift. Another cool experience this wedding was the lighting during the dancing at the reception. There have been some pretty cool rigs we've seen in the past but nothing could touch the setup that Lighting and Sound by Josh Ummel brought. We had a great time getting some neat pictures with those lights blasting through the haze he put out during the dances.Congratulations to Core and Caitlin on their wedding! Here are some of our favorites from that day in late September.This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.