Spring in Bloom: Part 2

So a week or so ago I promised a part 2 for the flowers, and here it is!  As temperatures begin to warm up to summer like levels (though they haven't felt like it recently),  flower blooms will slowly fade away.  This year's flower season, though shorter than usual was still very majestic, showing us how detailed and intricately beautiful creation is.  I loved getting to use my new macro lens and I can't wait to deploy it and some of my other new gear again on another side project as well as a wedding and engagement session I have coming up.  For now though, enjoy this especially long post of pictures and hit me up if you want prints of any of these!DSC_3610DSC_3625DSC_3639DSC_3640DSC_3680DSC_3740DSC_3796DSC_3807DSC_3810DSC_3821DSC_3829DSC_3847DSC_3853DSC_3864DSC_3882DSC_3924DSC_3927DSC_4143DSC_4190DSC_4232DSC_4265DSC_4274DSC_4277DSC_4286DSC_4287DSC_4302DSC_4333DSC_4362DSC_4367DSC_4386DSC_4419DSC_4427DSC_4539DSC_4559DSC_4579DSC_4614DSC_4626 

Creative Commons License

This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Corbyn + Corrine | Sterling, IL Wedding


JP + Alina | Champaign, IL Proposal