Alex + Kelsey | Champaign Wedding Photography

A bit over a month ago we had the privilege of photographing Alex and Kelsey's wedding that took place at St. John's Lutheran Church in Royal, Illinois with the reception following at Hudson Farms, just south of Urbana. Both venues were beautiful! Classic churches with stained glass windows are always beautiful to behold and Hudson Farms did a great job with a big beautiful farm. You may remember Alex and Kelsey as we took their engagement photos late last year just before winter set in. Another cool aspect of this wedding was that we'd gotten to meet Kelsey at a prior one as she was a bridesmaid for another couple whose we were also the photographers for, and that bride was now a bridesmaid in Kelsey's. It's certainly a small world, and cool that we've gotten to do enough weddings where this type of thing happens.Between the wedding and the reception we swung by Homer Lake to get some portraits which turned out great! The farm also had rolled out a tractor and an auger which held a sign directing guests how to get to the wedding venue, a pretty cool idea.Congratulations Alex and Kelsey on a beautiful wedding, we had a great time getting to photograph it!This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.