Good 'ole Summer Time

Since my return home from my family vacation, I have working 8 hours a day and taking an online course.  My work at Summer Care has been an absolute blast.  Everyday work is enjoyable...nothing like hanging out and doing fun stuff with little kids and friends!!  Unfortunately, pictures from work can not go on the internet for obvious reasons (I haven't really taken many anyway), and the online class isn't hopeful for any photos either (I don't consider a screenshot good art).  Things are looking up though, I am shooting some family photos this weekend, the 4th of July celebrations are around the corner, and I am thinking about taking a walk around downtown, just to get some time behind the lense.  So stay tuned for more photos in the near future.This summer has also been one of the most relaxing and rejuvinating summers I have had in a while.  Even though I work during the week, work is not stressful (aka not physical labor), which is a change from any of the past summer jobs I have had.  I am also in a great young adult Bible study that is encouraging me to grow in the Lord.I pray my summer continues on this amazing path, and that God is working in your summer as well!!


Day of Independence


A Historic City