Aaron + Heather | St. Louis, MO Wedding

Earlier in October I got to photograph a wedding of two close friends that I knew from the campus ministry I'm a part of at U of I.  I headed down to southern Illinois where the customary flat plains of Illinois vanish into cliff-like out-croppings that make you feel like you're not in Illinois anymore.  The winding roads and the changing colors of the bean and cornfields made for a beautiful setting for outdoor photos.  As the day drew closer, the night before, and even the day of, the weather appeared to not want to cooperate.  Right as the time drew close however, the clouds cleared, the sun snuck out, and gorgeous weather ensued for the rest of the day.  After the ceremony we headed to do a photo shoot that overlooked the valley and got some amazing photos as the sun started to make its way toward the horizon.  Next up was the reception featuring a cat topped cake and vintage dr. pepper bottles.Heather and Aaron did a great job of making the wedding be true to themselves, one that very accurately and at times comically depicted them very well.  This makes it easier, and a lot more fun to take photos and capture all the moments that family and friends will look back and enjoy later. CONGRATULATIONS to Aaron and Heather Gipp, may the Lord bless your commitment to each other!!DSC_2987DSC_2947DSC_2907DSC_9787DSC_9814DSC_9808DSC_9806DSC_9825DSC_9908DSC_9991DSC_9976DSC_9960DSC_9946DSC_9930DSC_9918DSC_0009DSC_0028DSC_0159DSC_0164DSC_0189DSC_0232DSC_3118DSC_0239DSC_0275DSC_0306DSC_0321DSC_3194DSC_3125DSC_3411DSC_3407DSC_3331DSC_3311DSC_3305DSC_0426Creative Commons License This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Bennett Family Fall Photos


Down by the Arch