Down by the Arch

After the reception wound down for Aaron's and Heather's wedding, a group of friends and I went down to the St. Louis Arch to break out the guitars and sing some worship tunes as the breeze blew from the city out to the river (we did a similar thing last year after the Stef wedding only in Chicago).  It was nothing short of an adventure however as the parking garage was not taking cars due to the government shutdown so we had to park in a shady area a few blocks over.  After hoofing it back we got to enjoy the arch, the early fall weather, and each others company.  When I turned to the arch I realized it wasn't as bright as I remembered.  Right, so not only does the government shutdown keep the parking garage off limits, it keeps the monument's lights turned off.  Of all the times I've been down at the base of the arch at night (which is a fair number), never had I seen it like this.  The arch no longer reflected the giant in-ground lights that it usually did, this time it reflected the orangish light coming off the city.  This orange color is usually a nice flair in addition to the bluish-white light that comes from the permanently installed light as you can see if you roll back to some of my other blog posts.  This time, it was all I had.  With my shutter open much longer, and some help from photoshop, I got enough light on the arch to give you the pictures you see below.  While different than what you normally see, this is a night view of the St. Louis Arch...government shutdown edition, enjoy!DSC_0461DSC_0462DSC_0470DSC_0477Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Aaron + Heather | St. Louis, MO Wedding


Route 66 Road Show