Bennett Family Fall Photos

This week I got to head over to Crystal Lake Park and photograph some friends from church and their almost 2 year old daughter.  I got some photos of them about a year ago, and it is amazing how fast Brooklynn is growing up.  Last time she was just crawling, and now she is walking, talking, and discovering all sorts of awesome things at the park.  Though the temperatures were a bit chilly as fall really is arriving, the day was beautiful, with partly cloudy skies and a little breeze.  The colors on the tress are starting to change, at Crystal Lake Park, mostly to a yellow color.  The park was beautiful, and though I have been there a few times before, it was fun getting to discover it from a photographic perspective, an experience I hope to get to do again.  Fall is my favorite time to take photos.  I'd like to thank the Bennetts for asking me to take their family pictures, and if anyone else wants theirs taken, just let me know!  There is still plenty of fall left in the trees!DSC_0573DSC_0634DSC_0666DSC_0690DSC_0733DSC_0736DSC_0768Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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