Cornerstone Festival 2012- Run Kid Run

One of the first shows that Hilarie and I went to was Run Kid Run.  It was the one show we fully attended at the Underground Tent (though we stopped by on others such as Flatfoot 56).  If you haven't heard of any of the bands I've blogged about so far, this one may be within your knowledge base.  Run Kid Run has been around for a long time on the Christian music scene and I was definitely excited to finally get to see them live for once.  The lead singer was definitely energetic and though the crowd started small, like many other shows it swelled to a large size that didn't fit in the tent.The Underground Stage was not lit as well as the Gallery stage which made taking photos quite a challenge, especially since this was an evening performance and the sun was not there to help out.  Luckily I had some fast glass and was able to snag a few good photos of my experience watching Run Kid Run, live in concert.Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Cornerstone Festival 2012- Kye Kye


Cornerstone Festival 2012- Mike Mains & The Branches