Cornerstone Festival 2012- Kye Kye

It was the last day of Cornerstone and the last performance that I was going to see before the drive home.  The band took a while to sound check as they worked to integrate their in-ear monitors with the existing system.  Once the show got going I understood why they wanted them.  Reverb and delay effects were rampant in the show and sounded amazing as two guys played midi keyboards in addition to electric guitars.  The lead singer even had a special microphone that was connected to an effects pedal at her feet.  In the end both Hilarie and I were definitely glad that we stayed for that last performance before we had to leave the last Cornerstone.  It was an amazing week even though the temperatures were sweltering and it was hard to sleep at night.  Hope you enjoyed all the posts and photos as much as I enjoyed taking them!Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Zach and Abby


Cornerstone Festival 2012- Run Kid Run