Zach and Abby

A couple days ago I had the privilege of doing a portrait session of one of my good college friends and his girlfriend.  Though it has so far been my only portrait shoot of the summer, it seems to have been the only day that it has rained this summer (not really...but close).  Fortunately though we were able to dodge the storms and stay dry during the outdoor part of the shoot.  It was nice to get out and walk around campus for the first time in a bit.  Class, work, and other photo editing has kept me off campus a lot recently.  Have no fear though, I do still remember good spots for portrait shots and we hit some of them up as we avoided the downpours.  Hope you enjoy!Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


A Summer in the Corn


Cornerstone Festival 2012- Kye Kye