Cornerstone Festival 2012- Iona

The most intense late night show at the Gallery Stage that I went to was a performance by a European band called Iona.  It was one of the cooler (but definitely still hot) nights of the week and the crowd had some least by the end of the show.  Though the crowd was quiet at the start, the final song of the set that seemed to go on forever got the entire audience that had swelled beyond the capacity of the tent on its feet.  As the last note rang out, the musicians set down their instruments and took a bow as the crowd hollered and cheered.  Then when we all thought it was over, the stage manager came out and declared the next band had yet to arrive and he saw no reason to stop this show, and the crowd went nuts again!  It was a classic Cornerstone evening and one to remember for sure.  Here are some photos from the set, though I didn't get as many as I would have liked since I was so into the music.Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Cornerstone Festival 2012- Timbre


Cornerstone Festival 2012- The Violet Burning