Joshua Tree National Park | Travel Photography

A bit over a week ago we had the privilege to travel out to California to be a part of a good friend's wedding. While we were out there we couldn't resist going to see one of California's many NPS lands and we chose to hit up Joshua Tree National Park. We'd heard many good things about this park and it was close enough to LA that we thought it'd be worth the journey. It was totally worth it. We got to camp out for two nights in early November and it wasn't severely cold like it'd be in the midwest. While it definitely wasn't hot, the weather was nice and we had a great time camping. Joshua Tree is known for great views of the starts and that it definitely did have. We unfortunately made it out there during the height of a full moon, so the epic shots will have to wait for another visit. We did however grab a few start photos to salvage what we could in that department (no milky way, sorry guys). Outside of that though, Joshua Tree still has many beautiful qualities and we got to photograph those. That full moon, while detrimental to star photography was pretty epic when it poked its way over the horizon as it rose in the evening.So here are some of our favorites from Joshua Tree, we definitely hope to make it back again and see more of this wonderful park!This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.