Connecticut | Travel Photography

In addition to checking out Hartford while we were in the state, we also took a look around pretty much the whole rest of it. It’s in these smaller states where we appreciated the shorter drive times that would be unheard of back when we were driving around the Southwest earlier this year. These states almost seemed like counties, except for when you went all the way across them or got stuck in traffic, and then it was a different kind of time sink. The southern coast of the state was dotted with lighthouses and we saw a good number of them. Also near the southern coast of the state was Yale where we stopped on two separate, shorter occasions. The architecture was absolutely beautiful and the library seemed like something out of a Harry Potter movie. While I still appreciate all of U of I’s libraries, this one definitely had it beat in the architecture department.While we had to fight the rain a bit while we were visiting it didn’t hold us back from seeing what we wanted to see, it just had us rearrange our schedule a bit which actually worked out pretty good for us in the end.This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.