Caparoon Family | Mahomet, IL Family Photography

A couple weekends ago we had the privilege of going out to the Lake of the Woods to do a family photo session for the Caparoon Family. It was the first time I can remember going out there though Hilarie has been out there before. The botanical gardens are very beautiful and we're hoping to go back again to grab some photos of the garden in general that had everything from a large bridge, a pond with giant lily pads, a covered bridge, and more. It was an absolutely beautiful place for a photo session, and we weren't the only ones who thought so as we saw a couple other families out getting their portraits done at various locations in the gardens as well.It has been a while since we have gotten to do a family portrait session, and it was such a great to get to hang out and laugh with a great family while we got to photograph them. Being able to laugh as we went along at stories or jokes made the session all the more fun and led to great laid back photos. Thanks to the Caparoon's for letting us do their family photos!!This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.