Anderson Japanese Gardens | Travel Photography

This past weekend while visiting Rockford for a friend's wedding we got the chance to go to the Anderson Japanese Gardens in Rockford with some other friends and explore this beautiful place. Many times when evaluating where we should go when we travel, we have to take the photos on the brochures and websites with a grain of salt because they almost always are more impressive than what we see there for many reasons. However this time, the photos that we saw beforehand on the Internet did not do justice to just how large and diverse these gardens were. There were all sorts of animals and plants to see and photograph, the place was breath-taking. Since this wedding we were just there to participate as non-photographers I had only brought along one of our cameras and just one lens (our new 85mm f/1.4G) to try out and put through its paces while we were hanging with friends. It wasn't quite best suited for the job at the Japanese gardens however it did a great job and helped us flex our creative muscles by forcing us to one focal length.If you're ever in Rockford and looking for a great place to check out, make sure you swing by the Anderson Japanese Gardens, you won't regret it!This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.