Boston | Travel Photography

To round off the trip we finished with three days in the city that we flew into, Boston. This city has been on both of our lists for a long time with all the rich history and architecture there. We stayed just outside the city along the coast to keep us out of the busy city (and make the lodging at least somewhat affordable). The place we ended up staying at was a resort and it was the first time either of us had a hotel room that had a fire place in it, which we’re sure is really fun to use in the more winter months. While in Boston we also checked out Harvard and MIT which was absolutely awesome, while the architecture at Harvard wasn’t as good as Yale, it was so neat to see the campuses of the Universities you always seem to be reading about in the news.One of the vantage points we wanted to check out was the Sky Deck at the Prudential building (or as some Boston folks call it, the “Pru”). We went to knock it out on the first night there and come to find out it was closed for private function both that night, and the night after. Luckily we had one last night, and on our third night, we used the trip to the top to cap off our visit to the big northeast city.This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.