Another Fall at Allerton

This past weekend I got to go out and photograph Allerton Park as nature changes colors and the temperatures fall with the leaves.  Though I wouldn't say Allerton was at its peak it was getting pretty close and I had an open weekend, so I took advantage.  Another great part about this trip was that Hilarie got to go and take pictures with me!  We walked around the park for over an hour and a half checking out the different areas, each of us snapping photos and seeing where the color was changing.  Since I've been to Allerton a few times during the fall it was a challenge to try and get shots that I haven't gotten before.  So I tried my best to do new things and find little things I hadn't photographed before or go to a weird angle on something that I had.  In the end I came up with a few shots that I like and I thought you might like too, so hear they are!!DSC_0784DSC_0798DSC_0810DSC_0856DSC_0902DSC_0913DSC_0921DSC_0928

This one below is definitely my favorite :)

DSC_0968Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Diwali on the U of I Quad


Bennett Family Fall Photos