Bennett Family

A couple weeks ago I had the privilege of photographing the Bennett Family at the Arboretum on the south part of U of I's campus.  Even though the weather called for rain we were able to sneak in a portrait session with sunlight and little storm clouds.  Right after we got done and headed to the cars the storms blew in and the rain started to pour down.  One of the keys to our success was the fact that Brooklyn was very cooperative and it didn't take too long to get her smiling and laughing.  Also, fortunately for framing and composition, Brooklyn decided not to be mobile.  There were definitely enough leaves and blades of grass within reach to keep her content.  This has its pros and cons as it makes it easy to frame and compose while it's hard to portray the fact that she is a mobile 9 month old.Overall it was a great family session, even though I had to endure the full on Mizzou gear ; )  I'd like to thank the Bennetts for letting me take their pictures it is always fun to work with great families!Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


St. Louis Arch in the Fall


Fall at Allerton Park