Thompson Wedding

So we're going to break a few rules on the blog here.  We're venturing from a photo blog today, to a video blog.  You read that right, last weekend I had the privilege of shooting video for a couple of Hilarie and I's friends.  Other than messing around taking videos of my dog back home, I had never used the video function on my DSLR until this wedding so to say I was operating in uncharted territory is an understatement.  However, having used the camera countless times to take photos greatly helped me in learning its video functions and I enjoyed getting to use the camera's features to their full extent.Since video usually isn't in my wheel house I lacked in some of the equipment categories, mainly audio capture and camera stabilizers.  Hoping for a calm quiet day and overestimating my ability to hold a camera perfectly steady made me realize how helpful some of the silly looking stabilizing things might actually be.  Fortunately I did have a tripod for some of the long things which helped give my arms a break.  If this ends up being a more common occurrence I may need to venture into some new gear.  In the end however, I was very happy with how things turned out and I definitely enjoyed working for the first time in Final Cut Pro X.I would also like to thank Trevor and Darci for letting me take video at their wedding.  Trusting in someone who hasn't done it before is very brave for such a special day as a wedding, and it was great to get a crack at video for real.  So hopefully you all enjoy the video (make sure you watch at 1080p), and congratulations to Trevor and Darci!![youtube=] Creative Commons LicenseThis work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Route 66 Road Show


Stef One Year Anniversary