The Winter Sport

About a  week ago, I shot my first hockey game, and let me say it was quite an interesting experience.  Previously I thought football or maybe basketball was the most dangerous sport to shoot as players run wildly out of bounds into the hordes of photographers that line the field/court .  Needless to say I was proven wrong.  I was fortunate enough to have no close calls, but my eyes were definitely opened to just how treacherous a hockey game is.  Between flying pucks, players, and sticks, there is a lot to pay attention to, especially since I shot from the penalty box which is not shielded by plexi-glass (thus the place to get the clearest photos).The match versus Ohio (that we lost 2-3) was the last home match of the semester and drew a fairly decent crowd.  One of the two goals we scored was punched in by a player by the name of Brandon Targett (9) (you will see in one of the photos).  He was in my discussion for my calculus my freshman year.  I was not aware of his hockey abilities/the fact he played on the hockey team, until we met up in the penalty box following a foul.  An article is also written about him today in The Daily Illini (check it out here: always, hope you all enjoy the photos![slideshow]Photos Copyright: JD Maloney and The Daily Illini


A Great First Portrait


Epic Night!