San Francisco | Travel Photography

Last week we got back from an awesome week of vacation to California. As you've seen in the past couple of blog posts we got to see both the Redwood National Park and Big Sur (if you haven't seen those photos, head back a couple blog posts). The main focus of the trip however was the city of San Francisco. While both of us have been to Los Angeles, neither of us had ventured north and knew there was a ton to see in that direction so we planned out a vacation and have been looking forward to this week of fun for the past 6 months. Not only were we out to adventure and see the world, we were also celebrating our 1 year anniversary! This time last year we were site seeing around Rome, this year it's a new big city. After 7 days of shooting there were tons of good images that we wanted to show everyone, though we had to narrow it down a bit so the post didn't get ridiculous which can be hard to do. Even after all these photos and all the cool things we got to see there was still so much we wished we could have fit in. So much cool light happens during that golden hour in the morning and evening so we made sure we had all the evenings booked and all the early mornings we could tolerate (had to sleep in a few days, it's vacation after all). Thus it looks like we'll have to go back and maybe combine it with something like Yosemite?? We think that sounds like fun :) For now though scroll through these guys and enjoy some of the sights we got to see on our journey!This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.