Robbie & Swick Engagement

So before and during my trip to Romania I had the privilege of photographing two amazing friends of mine for their engagement.  They had a photo shoot in 4 different countries, even if one of those was in an airport.  Not only did I get a chance to take their photos, I got to meet Joe, G.I. Joe that is.  I joined on the journey following his attempted kidnapping in Meadowbrook Park, and took joy when Robbie rescued him from clutches of the field...On a serious note, it was great to share the moments I did with Robbie and Swick.  They are an amazing couple on fire for Christ, and it has been great to get to know them these past two years of college.  I will always remember the plethora of events where I have enjoyed Swick's singing and Robbie's skills on the guitar and ukelele.  They will dearly missed as they head on into the world that God has called them to, to do His work.[slideshow]


The Windy City


A Bit of Tourism