Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Matthews!

Prior to the Watson wedding, I got to shoot another outdoor wedding.   The fully sunny day turned out to be essential due to the fact that a volcano was involved in the ceremony (check the pics!)  The weather had looked like it was going to be against us for the weekend, but it turned out for better as the clouds gave way to sunshine and dry grass.  This being my second wedding in a fairly short amount of time, I was more on my A game in terms of anticipating when good moments were about to happen.  Though photographing the wedding was my primary purpose for being there, getting to see and hang out with friends was also great!  Tons of Axiom folk were there for obvious reasons, catching up with the recently graduated bride and groom was a plus.  While driving to the place we were staying the night before the wedding, I got a chance to see the beautifully lit up skyline of Chicago.  Not being from the northern part of the state, I have only seen this sight on a few occasions, so getting to see it again was much enjoyed.Hope you enjoy the photos and congratulations to Ryan and Michelle!!Photos Copyright: JD Maloney and Ryan and Michelle Matthews


Allerton Park


Watson Wedding