Allerton Park

Last week after midterms I made a trip to Allerton Park which is located about 30 minutes from my house in Urbana.  I decided to go since it was in peak of fall color for most of the changing trees and the weather was beautiful and sunny.  It was the first time that I had been to Allerton since I had my senior pictures there 3 years ago.  This time I was the one taking the photos, and enjoying the nature.  Upon getting there and walking around, I realized the sheer size of the park and ended up walking close to 4 miles on trails and sidewalks that wind through the trees, hedges, and flower gardens.  I hope to return in the winter and sometime in the spring to see the changes the park undergoes as the weather shifts from one extreme to the other.  Having my quiet time at the park was also a nice benefit to the trip, getting out in the quiet without having anyone around and being away from the hustle and bustle of campus was a welcome break following my first round of midterms.  Hope you enjoy the photos!!Photos Copyright: JD Maloney


Simons Family


Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Matthews!