Last Day of Service with DOOR
Note: This is a legacy blog post; photos are not available
Today the team woke up and prepared to work as one unit on our last day. The account of what we did today is given by Joe below. After we served we came back to an amazing dinner that was prepared by Emma and her friend Eva. We then went to the 5th Annual Youth Film Festival on Social Justice with, where we watched movies made by high school students about the "angel" in their lives. A member of the DOOR board of directors, Stacy, came with us. We got the pleasure of getting to know here and hear part of her story. The team then returned to the house to make plans for the rest of the trip and begin to clean the DOOR house and get it ready for our departure tomorrow. Please pray for DOOR Ministries tonight as we are very thankful for our opportunity to serve with them these past few days. Photos and description of today's work is below. Enjoy!!Team Service:Team Transformers united in service today, and it was epic. Well, maybe not epic, but it was quite the experience and made an impact! Both Team A and Team 1 went to Union Rescue Mission (URM) to serve the people of "Skid Row," a section of Los Angeles that has been described as the only third-world area in the United States. I could really see why the area has gotten such a bad rap; it was truly mind-blowing to see homelessness as the norm.The staff at URM had us helped in a variety of ways; the only similarity among the tasks we were assigned was that they all involved our putting on hairnets, aprons, and gloves. Some of us scrubbed dishes clean. Others served lunch to the locals. Some of us even quartered chickens! I really enjoyed our work today because it put us in close proximity with people from all sorts of backgrounds. One of the chefs, John, told us his life story which has seen him go from being a successful accountant to getting caught up in drugs to now making a difference helping people less fortunate than himself. I'm sure some people he helps through his work are in circumstances similar to those in which he once was.One thing I had reinforced through today's service project was that little things, like saying "Hi, how are you?", can make a difference. We can start to help the homeless by making them feel human again, by interacting with them. Today, we lived out Matthew 25:31-46 (That's the passage on which Zach based this morning's devotional; look it up!), and I hope we remember to continue living it out in some way. Everyday.