A Day of Relaxation and Renewal
Note: This is a legacy blog post; photos are not available
Today was a blessed day! Not only did Team Transformers get a chance to relax and enjoy Universal Studios, but we were also lucky enough to converse with the pastor of Hope Church in Hollywood (http://www.hopeibf.com/).After a final devotion with Door Ministries, we traveled to Universal Studios for a day full of joyful fellowship and exciting rides! We enjoyed the Simpson's virtual ride, a Jurassic Park themed water ride, a Shrek 3D show, and much much more! The California scenery around Unversal Studios was gorgeous as well.Around 5:30pm we departed for Hope Church, which does AMAZING outreach to the homeless population in the Hollywood area. They treated us with a steak dinner (!!!!!) and a roof over our heads for the night. Pastor Ed shared his experiences with us concerning urban mission work and rehabilitation outreach. It was an eye opening experience to talk to someone who has been at a church in the city for over 30 years.