Jacob Family | Champaign Family Photography

Back at the end of January we had the privilege of photographing the Jacob Family and their adorable dog Buttercup. January is definitely a chilly month in Illinois, all three of the Jacobs handled it amazingly. Between trading leash, dog, and coats between different backdrops during the walk through downtown were able to rack up a good number of backdrops in fairly little time. No matter what the season the backdrops of downtown Champaign provide colorful backgrounds for portraits. While we've had dogs show up for parts of wedding portrait shoots and even our most recent engagement shoot (see prior blog post), this was our first chance getting to work with a dog in a family portrait shoot. Buttercup set a pretty high bar and was very photogenic, always turning towards our voices and perking up her ears. Having dogs in photo shoots always seems to make everything fun!We'd like to thank the Jacobs, our first client shoot of the 2017 season for their willingness to handle a chilly photoshoot on the windy streets of Champaign. Below are some of our favorites from the photo shoot.This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.