First Snow | Nature Photography

This past weekend Champaign-Urbana received its first snow fall for the year, and a fairly measurable amount of snow for a first snow as well. Between 2 and 3 inches of snow fell overnight and into Saturday morning blanketing the city temporarily in the thin blanket of white. Due to a rise in temperatures the snow did not last very long, however while we had it, it was very beautiful and since a good amount fell during the day Saturday it gave us the ability to go out while it was still snowing. We trekked out to Meadowbrook Park hoping to catch some birds in snow with our new long lens. While we did find a few, there were also deer in the area. Thanks to a tip from a fellow who had been walking his dog around the park in the snow he alerted us to the fact that there were some deer back behind the wooded area and we went to take a look. Sure enough the deer were still there and were rather tame as they allowed us to get very close to them (within 10 feet which was as close as attempted). With a gradual and slow approach, what looked to be a full family of deer weren't too scared. Surprisingly the sound of the camera shutter didn't bother them as we thought it might. Having the camera go into quiet mode hopefully helped the situation, and we're not too sure on the hearing ability of deer. At the end it was a really cool experience to get to be so close to deer during a snow fall. While only an hour or so was spent out in the snow that day, hopefully you enjoy some of our favorites from the adventure.This work by JD Maloney is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.